Since I had to learn python for my machine learning and self-driving classes and I had to review the basics. Not to waste my efforts, I am creating a new guide, you can see more in:
def bubble_sort(the_list: list, verbose: int=0):
author: @UkiDLcuas
This function changes the provided list.
The list can contain integers, decimal numbers, strings, etc.
The list is sorted in ascending order (first to last).
The function does not return anything.
if verbose > 0:
iteration = 0
# count remining bubbles ( aka step backwards)
start = len(the_list)-1 # end, zero-based list
stop = 0 # beginning
step = -1 # backwards
for remaining_bubbles in range(start, stop, step):
for i in range(remaining_bubbles):
if verbose > 0:
iteration = iteration + 1
print("iteration", iteration, "remaining_bubbles", remaining_bubbles, "index", i)
print(" ", the_list)
print(" comparing if is", the_list[i], "bigger than", the_list[i+1])
if the_list[i] > the_list[i+1]:
# swap
temp = the_list[i+1] # temp placehoder for the value to be moved
the_list[i+1] = the_list[i] # bubble up
the_list[i] = temp # bubble down
if verbose > 0:
print("*** finished", len(the_list), "element list in ", iteration, "iterations")