Embedding a GoogleDoc as a iframe in a BlogSpot.com post

Today, I decided to organize my writings, and since I find Google Docs the best way to compose, I was looking for a way to "PUBLISH" them in another way than ePubs.

Google Docs page has two options: to publish the whole document, hosted by docs, and EMBED the document on another website, in my case uki.BlogSpot.com

Embedding uses the <iframes> [horror music playing in the background].

The <iframes>, people have been hating them since the '90s, yet we are still using them.

I have spent an embarrassingly long time (ashamed to mention how long) trying every HTML attribute combination with width, height, <DIV>, and multiple JavaScript replacement and resize methods. 

All of them failed. 

Finally, I went back to my experience circa 1999  @ RollingStone.com and said, if everything else fails, put it in the TABLE grid and format the grid to your liking. It worked just how I wanted. 

I posted the solution on Stackoverflow.com as no one reads my blog: https://stackoverflow.com/a/72750122/6312771

<table width="100%" height="800px" border="0"> <tr> <td> <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTaRY68GO9FWHU8K64bqGUVD1V_FKxKqlpeeEBT44UZvwe_vi62hDh-yJM5bKPrDR6B-a96BeRTzejx/pub?embedded=true" frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"> </iframe> </td> </tr> </table>

Here is the result, please let me know if this helped you.


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