Julia language: DataFrames: insert a column

 The following code 

  1. inserts a new column into DataFrame named df
  2. inserts this column as a first (col_ind =1) column
  3. names this column Rata_Die
  4. populates the column values with an array of Int64 zeros (0)
  5. makes sure the name of the column is unique

col_ind = 1

insertcols!(df, col_ind, :Rata_Die => zeros(Int64, record_count); makeunique = true )

Julia language UNIX date time

Unix time date format is used in many applications, including Yahoo finance.

using Dates, Printf

unix_date = @sprintf("%.0f", Dates.datetime2unix(Dates.now()))

println( unix_date ) # String



Opening the Jupyter notebook in a different drive on Windows 10.

Assuming that you have Anaconda 3 installed, 
you can open the "Anaconda Prompt" window and start jupyter,
however, it opens in the default C: drive.

Anaconda prompt does not allow you to change the drive from the command line. (WTF !?!)

The simplest solution I found was to specify the new drive (R: for Repos) in Jupyter startup:

> jupyter notebook --notebook-dir 'R:'


In case you wonder why I am putting up with Windows 10 and not working on my MacOS, I wanted to try the NVidia GPU performance with Julia in the Jupyter notebook. 

Julia DataFrames


Filtering DataFrame

New Syntax


Syntax explained:

  1. from original "data" (type DataFrames)
  2. create new "dataA" (type DataFrames)
  3. filter indices in column "Treatment" with values equal to "A"
  4. include ALL COLUMNS indicated by ":"
  5. Show the first 6 rows

dataA = data[isequal.(data.Treatment, "A"), : ] 

first(dataA, 6)

6 rows × 5 columns



Deprecated Syntax

# dataA = data[data[:Treatment] .== "A", :] 


Warning: `getindex(df::DataFrame, col_ind::ColumnIndex)` is deprecated, use `df[!, col_ind]` instead.

Julia packages (Pkg)

 Here are the Julia packages I have been using so far, I keep this list in case I need to re-install Julia.

Un-comment, install and pre-compile the package you need:

import Pkg

# Pkg.add("Atom") 

# using Atom


# Pkg.add("BinDeps") 

# using BinDeps


# Pkg.add("CSV") 

# using CSV


# Pkg.add("CUDAapi") 

# using CUDAapi


# Pkg.add("Calculus") 

# using Calculus


# Pkg.add("CodecZlib") 

# using CodecZlib


# Pkg.add("Codecs") 

# using Codecs


# Pkg.add("ColorTypes") 

# using ColorTypes


# Pkg.add("Colors") 

# using Colors


# Pkg.add("Combinatorics") 

# using Combinatorics


# Pkg.add("Compat") 

# using Compat


# Pkg.add("Compose") 

# using Compose


# Pkg.add("Contour") 

# using Contour


# Pkg.add("DataArrays") 

# using DataArrays


# Pkg.add("DataFrames") 

# using DataFrames


# Pkg.add("DataStructures") 

# using DataStructures


# Pkg.add("Distances") 

# using Distances


# Pkg.add("Distributions") 

# using Distributions


# Pkg.add("FileIO") 

# using FileIO


# Pkg.add("FixedPointNumbers") 

# using FixedPointNumbers


# Pkg.add("Flux") 

# using Flux


# Pkg.add("ForwardDiff") 

# using ForwardDiff


# Pkg.add("GLM") 

# using GLM


# Pkg.add("GR") 

# using GR


# Pkg.add("GZip") 

# using GZip


# Pkg.add("GeometryBasics") 

# using GeometryBasics


# Pkg.add("Hexagons") 

# using Hexagons


# Pkg.add("HypothesisTests") 

# using HypothesisTests


# Pkg.add("IJulia") 

# using IJulia


# Pkg.add("JSON") 

# using JSON


# Pkg.add("Juno") 

# using Juno


# Pkg.add("KernelDensity") 

# using KernelDensity


# Pkg.add("Knet") 

# using Knet


# Pkg.add("Lathe") 

# using Lathe


# Pkg.add("Loess") 

# using Loess


# Pkg.add("Measures") 

# using Measures


# Pkg.add("Metalhead") 

# using Metalhead


# Pkg.add("NaNMath") 

# using NaNMath


# Pkg.add("OffsetArrays") 

# using OffsetArrays


# Pkg.add("Optim") 

# using Optim


# Pkg.add("PDMats") 

# using PDMats


# Pkg.add("Parameters") 

# using Parameters


# Pkg.add("Plots") 

# using Plots


# Pkg.add("Polynomials") 

# using Polynomials


# Pkg.add("Primes") 

# using Primes


# Pkg.add("PyCall") 

# using PyCall


# Pkg.add("PyPlot") 

# using PyPlot


# Pkg.add("QuartzImageIO") 

# using QuartzImageIO


# Pkg.add("RDatasets") 

# using RDatasets


# Pkg.add("Reexport") 

# using Reexport


# Pkg.add("Rmath") 

# using Rmath


# Pkg.add("Roots") 

# using Roots


# Pkg.add("Showoff") 

# using Showoff


# Pkg.add("SortingAlgorithms") 

# using SortingAlgorithms


# Pkg.add("StaticArrays") 

# using StaticArrays


# Pkg.add("StatsBase") 

# using StatsBase


# Pkg.add("StatsFuns") 

# using StatsFuns


# Pkg.add("StatsPlots") 

# using StatsPlots


# Pkg.add("TensorFlow") 

# using TensorFlow


# Pkg.add("TextAnalysis") 

# using TextAnalysis


# Pkg.add("TinySegmenter") 

# using TinySegmenter


# Pkg.add("URIParser") 

# using URIParser


# Pkg.add("UnicodePlots") 

# using UnicodePlots


# Pkg.add("WordTokenizers") 

# using WordTokenizers


# Pkg.add("Dates") 

# using Dates


# Pkg.add("DelimitedFiles") 

# using DelimitedFiles


# Pkg.add("SHA") 

# using SHA


# Pkg.add("Statistics") 

# using Statistics

"Rata Die". Counting Days since...


Counting Days since...


# col1 is an exported column of dates

lastDay = 54 # last row in the column sorted by the date

daysSince(x) = Dates.datetime2rata(x) - Dates.datetime2rata(col1[lastDay])

arrayDays = Array{Int64}(undef, lastDay) # array size is 54

for i = 1:lastDay

    arrayDays[i] = daysSince(col1[i])




54-element Array{Int64,1}:

Flux: The Julia Machine Learning Library


Flux is a machine learning library writer in Julia language.


(v1.3) pkg> add Flux

Julia language, read delimited files (CSV) with "readdlm"


When trying to execute:

wikiEVDraw = readdlm("wikipediaEVDraw.csv", ',') # getting quotes right is important!

I get the following error:

UndefVarError: readdlm not defined.

help?> readdlm search: readdir Couldn't find readdlm Perhaps you meant readdir, read, read!, real or readchomp No documentation found. Binding readdlm does not exist.

In this case use:

using DelimitedFiles wikiEVDraw = readdlm("wikipediaEVDraw.csv", ',') # getting quotes right is important! 

Using Julia Language with AWS Lambda functions.


Here is a Julia language library to operate with AWS Lamda functions:



The best way to start with Julia is to install JuliaPro, for free.

Arrays in Julia Language

 Way to create an Array in Julia language:

A simple way of creating an array

array18 = fill(18, 4) # values of 18, 4 rows

4-element Array{Int64,1}:

Float64, 2-dimensional,  4-rows, 3-columns

A = Array{Float64,2}(undef, 4,3) 

# Array of floats, 2-dimentional, populate with undefiled data, 4-rows, 3-columns

4×3 Array{Float64,2}:
 2.40692e-314  5.0e-324      1.5e-323
 2.39671e-314  2.40692e-314  1.5e-323
 2.40692e-314  2.40692e-314  1.0e-323 
 2.40692e-314  2.40692e-314  2.38725e-314 

A[1,1] = 123


4×3 Array{Float64,2}:
 123.0           5.0e-324      2.5e-323
   2.38296e-314  2.38338e-314  2.5e-323
   2.38338e-314  2.38338e-314  1.0e-323
   2.38338e-314  2.38338e-314  2.64889e-32

Abstract Type Integer

A = Array{Integer}(undef,2,3)

2×3 Array{Integer,2}:
 #undef  #undef  #undef
 #undef  #undef  #undef

Concreate Type Int64

A = Array{Int64}(undef,2,3)

2×3 Array{Int64,2}:
 4826207760  4826207824  4826207888
 4826207792  4826207856  4825801360


Special Characters used for Math, ML, Logic in Jupyther Lab

Here is a quick cheat sheet of useful Unicode characters you can use in Jupyther Lab and Julia language:

Greek Alphabet

α    \alpha
β    \beta
γ    \gamma
ϵ    \epsilon
ζ    \zeta
η    \eta
θ    \theta
ι    \iota
κ    \kappa (should look like 'k')
λ    \lambda
μ    \mu
ν    nu (not supported in Jupyther)
ξ    \xi 
ο    omnicron (not supported in Jupyther)
π    \pi
ρ    \rho 
σ    \sigma
τ    \tau
υ    upsilon (not supported in Jupyther)
ϕ    \phi
χ    \chi
ψ    \psi
ω    \omega


ℵ    \aleph wiki

Machine Learning



±    \pm (plus minus)
    \ge (greater or equal)
    \le (less or equal)






Body pose recognition has applications in:
  • image compression when only the position of the subject is needed
  • social signaling
  • ADAS driver monitoring system (DMS)
The human body pose consists of:
  • body detection in the image
  • body segmentation from the image
  • mapping the 2D image to the 3D model
  • tracking the pose over time (movie)

Julia Flux Meatalhead.jl

## Uncomment the lines below if you have not run it previously
# import Pkg; Pkg.add("Metalhead")
# import Pkg; Pkg.add("QuartzImageIO")

using Metalhead
using Metalhead: classify
vgg = VGG19()

## local file in this lab's folder
image = load("skunk001.jpeg")
classify(vgg, image)


Conda nodejs

$ conda install -c conda-forge nodejs

Julia Flux

import Pkg; Pkg.add("Flux")
using Flux

Julia CUDA

import Pkg

Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General`
Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git`
Resolving package versions... Installed CUDAapi ─ v4.0.0 Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.4/Project.toml` [3895d2a7] + CUDAapi v4.0.0 Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.4/Manifest.toml` [3895d2a7] + CUDAapi v4.0.0

using CUDAapi
has_CUDA = "false"
if has_cuda()
    @info "CUDA is on"
    has_CUDA = "true"
println("it is ", has_CUDA, " that I have CUDA.")