Transparency with CSS and GWT

It's simple to make transparent elements in HTML. Just use CSS. Even IE6 supports it.

Say we want an image to have 25% transparency...

The standard CSS property is

opacity: 0.25;

but IE and some older browsers have different ways of specifying it, so you probably want to use them all to cover your bases

opacity: 0.25; //css standard
filter:alpha(opacity=25); //ie (note that 50% is 25 here, not .25)
-moz-opacity:0.25; //very old mozilla/netscape browsers
-khtml-opacity: 0.25; //very old safari browsers

Here is what it might look like in GWT

public void setOpacity(Element element, double opacity) {
if (opacity > .995) {
element.getStyle().setProperty("opacity", "");
element.getStyle().setProperty("filter", "");
element.getStyle().setProperty("-moz-opacity", "");
element.getStyle().setProperty("-khtml-opacity", "");
} else {
String s = Integer.toString((int) Math.round(opacity * 100));
String sDecimal = (s.length() == 1 ? ".0" : ".") + s;
element.getStyle().setProperty("opacity", sDecimal);
element.getStyle().setProperty("filter", "alpha(opacity=" + s + ")");
element.getStyle().setProperty("-moz-opacity", sDecimal);
element.getStyle().setProperty("-khtml-opacity", sDecimal);

1 comment:

  1. Thanks!!! Excellent post, pretty helpful one. One note: attempting to set a "-moz-opacity" property threw me a javascript invocation error. I suggest the code is modified following way:

    private static void setProperty_NoFail(Style style, String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
    try {
    style.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
    } catch (Throwable exc) {
    // nothing

    public static void setOpacity(Element element, double opacity) {
    Style style = element.getStyle();
    if (opacity > .995) {
    setProperty_NoFail(style, "opacity", "");
    setProperty_NoFail(style, "filter", "");
    setProperty_NoFail(style, "-moz-opacity", "");
    setProperty_NoFail(style, "-khtml-opacity", "");
    } else {
    String s = Integer.toString((int) Math.round(opacity * 100));
    String sDecimal = (s.length() == 1 ? ".0" : ".") + s;
    setProperty_NoFail(style, "opacity", sDecimal);
    setProperty_NoFail(style, "filter", "alpha(opacity=" + s + ")");
    setProperty_NoFail(style, "-moz-opacity", sDecimal);
    setProperty_NoFail(style, "-khtml-opacity", sDecimal);
